Monday, March 21, 2011

Uganda Update

So Amy and I have to apologize for being so delayed with our next posts.  Unfortunately we had three new entries on the way that were saved on my computer, which has since been stolen.  Although my bedroom was locked whenever we left the house, it must have been stolen while we were in the house.  Luckily my insurance will cover this loss, as long as I get a police report, but we are now without a computer for the next four months.  We will of course attempt to re-write some of the lost posts and put up some new pictures, but until we have access to another computer it may take us a while with work, etc.  Other than the laptop being gone (one of our only sources of entertainment!) Uganda has been great.  Mukono is definitely closer to the Africa we had imagined; streets are chaotic and a bit scary, the toilets are latrines that are 4 flights of stairs down from the house, there is no television, and electricity comes and goes throughout the day.  We are very excited to start work tomorrow, where we will head to a rural village about an hours drive and educate villagers about sanitation, nutrition, HIV, safe sex, and other health issues.  Wish us luck, and we will be in touch as soon as we can!

xo Cait

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